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Presenting an exquisite bouquet meticulously curated by our talented florists, comprising of 100 ravishing red roses, accentuated with 15 stalks of delicate gypsophila and 12 aesthetically pleasing ruscus. This breathtaking ensemble comes neatly wrapped in high quality wrapping and is accompanied by a personalized greeting card. This unique floral assembly exudes a captivating elegance and is a perfect choice to express your deepest sentiments.
Existencias confirmadas 2 h 5 min hace
Special 009
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 27 bonos
Gypsophila - 15 ud. Wrapping - 12 ud. card - 1 ud. red roses - 100 ud. ruscuss - 12 ud.
- Anchura - 45 cm
- Altura - 45 cm
Rich n royal flowers, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Presenting an exquisite bouquet meticulously curated by our talented florists, comprising of 100 ravishing red roses, accentuated with 15 stalks of delicate gypsophila and 12 aesthetically pleasing ruscus. This breathtaking ensemble comes neatly wrapped in high quality wrapping and is accompanied by a personalized greeting card. This unique floral assembly exudes a captivating elegance and is a perfect choice to express your deepest sentiments.
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