Pink peonies - a symbol of beauty, care and attractiveness! Flowers that conquer at first sight! We draw your attention to the fact that peonies on average stand from 3 to 7 days at room temperature +18+20 degrees and proper care for them!
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Sarah Bernard Peonies - 2009
- 2 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
packaging - 1 ud. sarah bernard peony - 7 ud.
- Anchura - 21 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Pink peonies - a symbol of beauty, care and attractiveness! Flowers that conquer at first sight! We draw your attention to the fact that peonies on average stand from 3 to 7 days at room temperature +18+20 degrees and proper care for them!
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