Bold and beautiful, this striking bouquet features deep red roses and rich crimson blooms wrapped in elegant white paper, finished with a luxurious red satin ribbon. The perfect symbol of love, passion, and admiration, it’s an ideal gift for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or to simply make a grand statement. A stunning display of affection that speaks volumes without saying a word. Gift Details: Roses Peony
Artículo temporalmente sin existencias
Ruby Romance Flower Arrangement
Peony - 5 ud. rose - 6 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
Gv flowers, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Bold and beautiful, this striking bouquet features deep red roses and rich crimson blooms wrapped in elegant white paper, finished with a luxurious red satin ribbon. The perfect symbol of love, passion, and admiration, it’s an ideal gift for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or to simply make a grand statement. A stunning display of affection that speaks volumes without saying a word. Gift Details: Roses Peony
Valoraciones y opinión
Diciembre 2024
Noviembre 2024
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