A stunning bouquet of 35 purple roses that embodies elegance and enchantment. The rich purple hue symbolizes admiration, dignity, and mystery, making this arrangement an exquisite choice for expressing unique emotions and celebrating special moments. Perfectly crafted to leave a lasting impression, this bouquet adds a touch of sophistication to any occasion.
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Royal Elegance
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 13 5bonus
rose purple - 35 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
A stunning bouquet of 35 purple roses that embodies elegance and enchantment. The rich purple hue symbolizes admiration, dignity, and mystery, making this arrangement an exquisite choice for expressing unique emotions and celebrating special moments. Perfectly crafted to leave a lasting impression, this bouquet adds a touch of sophistication to any occasion.