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his exquisite bouquet is a delicate masterpiece of soft pink and white roses. The soft hues create a romantic and feminine atmosphere, while the lush petals add a touch of luxury. The arrangement is beautifully wrapped in white tissue paper and tied with a pink ribbon, further enhancing its elegance. This bouquet is perfect for expressing love, affection, and gratitude. Its ideal for special occasions such as anniversaries, Valentines Day, or Mothers Day.
Existencias confirmadas 3 h 50 min hace
Rosy Romance
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 6.35 bonos
ohara roses - 6 ud. garden type spray rose - 5 ud.
- Anchura - 34 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
his exquisite bouquet is a delicate masterpiece of soft pink and white roses. The soft hues create a romantic and feminine atmosphere, while the lush petals add a touch of luxury. The arrangement is beautifully wrapped in white tissue paper and tied with a pink ribbon, further enhancing its elegance. This bouquet is perfect for expressing love, affection, and gratitude. Its ideal for special occasions such as anniversaries, Valentines Day, or Mothers Day.
86 valoraciones • 92 compras
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