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Indulge in the passionate allure of this captivating bouquet featuring fifteen stunning red spray roses. Each stem boasts clusters of petite blooms, radiating fiery intensity, love, and devotion. Carefully arranged to create a mesmerizing display, the abundance of spray roses evokes a sense of boundless passion and romance. Their vibrant crimson hue symbolizes deep affection and desire, making this bouquet perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments on any occasion. Whether igniting sparks on a romantic evening or adding a touch of warmth to a celebration, this bouquet exudes elegance and passion, leaving a lasting impression of love and admiration.
Existencias confirmadas 5 min hace
Red Spray Love
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 5.37 bonos
- FlowerBouquets - Supertienda. Las Supertiendas son tiendas con valoraciones excelentes que hacen todo lo posible por ofrecer un servicio de calidad.
red spray rose - 15 ud.
- Anchura - 20 cm
- Altura - 45 cm
Indulge in the passionate allure of this captivating bouquet featuring fifteen stunning red spray roses. Each stem boasts clusters of petite blooms, radiating fiery intensity, love, and devotion. Carefully arranged to create a mesmerizing display, the abundance of spray roses evokes a sense of boundless passion and romance. Their vibrant crimson hue symbolizes deep affection and desire, making this bouquet perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments on any occasion. Whether igniting sparks on a romantic evening or adding a touch of warmth to a celebration, this bouquet exudes elegance and passion, leaving a lasting impression of love and admiration.
223 valoraciones • 190 compras
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