A regal and powerful bouquet, Purple Reign features 25 velvety purple roses, wrapped in a sophisticated black. This dramatic arrangement exudes elegance and authority. The deep purple hue of the roses, combined with the dark, mysterious wrapping, creates a striking and unforgettable display. Perfect for expressing deep emotions, admiration, or a touch of the dramatic.
in_stock_confirmed 2 h 5 min hace
Purple Reign
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 6.9 5bonus
rose purple - 25 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 55 cm
A regal and powerful bouquet, Purple Reign features 25 velvety purple roses, wrapped in a sophisticated black. This dramatic arrangement exudes elegance and authority. The deep purple hue of the roses, combined with the dark, mysterious wrapping, creates a striking and unforgettable display. Perfect for expressing deep emotions, admiration, or a touch of the dramatic.