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A bouquet of 9 purple roses adorned with delicate eucalyptus leaves creates a stunning and sophisticated arrangement. The deep, rich hue of the roses contrasts elegantly with the silvery-green foliage of the eucalyptus, adding depth and dimension to the bouquet. The purple roses symbolize enchantment, admiration, and elegance, making them perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments or celebrating special occasions. The fragrant eucalyptus leaves not only complement the roses beautifully but also add a refreshing aroma to the bouquet. This arrangement exudes charm and grace, making it a captivating gift for someone special or a delightful centerpiece for any occasion.
Purple Passion Bouquet
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- Consigue 14.19 bonos
purple roses - 9 ud. eucalyptus leafs - 5 ud.
- Anchura - 45 cm
- Altura - 35 cm
A bouquet of 9 purple roses adorned with delicate eucalyptus leaves creates a stunning and sophisticated arrangement. The deep, rich hue of the roses contrasts elegantly with the silvery-green foliage of the eucalyptus, adding depth and dimension to the bouquet. The purple roses symbolize enchantment, admiration, and elegance, making them perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments or celebrating special occasions. The fragrant eucalyptus leaves not only complement the roses beautifully but also add a refreshing aroma to the bouquet. This arrangement exudes charm and grace, making it a captivating gift for someone special or a delightful centerpiece for any occasion.
82 valoraciones • 56 compras
Valoraciones y valoración
Diciembre 2024
Noviembre 2024
Букет шикарный!
Noviembre 2024
Noviembre 2024
Great work! Fast processing and delivery. Great communication, highly recommended!
Octubre 2024
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