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This elegant bouquet of pink roses and white eustoma creates an incredibly delicate and romantic combination of two beautiful flowers. Pink roses symbolise love, tenderness and elegance, while white eustoma adds lightness and freshness. Together they create a spectacular contrast that emphasises the beauty and sophistication of the bouquet. It will be perfect for a gift to a close girl or a woman you love and respect. Bouquet of pink roses and white eustoma will fill your home with the atmosphere of romance and delight, creating a cosy and gentle mood. Let these beautiful flowers reveal all their beauty and charm, mesmerising you with their subtle shades and delicate petals. Enjoy their fragrance and splendour, creating an atmosphere of magic and love.
Existencias confirmadas 90 min hace
Pink Roses and Eustoma
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- 5 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
- Consigue 14.9 bonos
Satin ribbon - 1 ud. white eustoma - 3 ud. design packaging - 4 ud. kenya rose - 9 ud.
- Anchura - 25 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
This elegant bouquet of pink roses and white eustoma creates an incredibly delicate and romantic combination of two beautiful flowers. Pink roses symbolise love, tenderness and elegance, while white eustoma adds lightness and freshness. Together they create a spectacular contrast that emphasises the beauty and sophistication of the bouquet. It will be perfect for a gift to a close girl or a woman you love and respect. Bouquet of pink roses and white eustoma will fill your home with the atmosphere of romance and delight, creating a cosy and gentle mood. Let these beautiful flowers reveal all their beauty and charm, mesmerising you with their subtle shades and delicate petals. Enjoy their fragrance and splendour, creating an atmosphere of magic and love.
4203 valoraciones • 3751 compra
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Igor Anti
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Prompt and professional online service.
Danubia sousa
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Amazing service ! Outstanding
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