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Indulge in a moment of pure elegance with our Pink Reverie bouquet. This enchanting arrangement features 60 exquisite pink roses, each one a symbol of grace and affection. Their soft, blush tones and velvety petals come together to create a stunning display of romance and beauty. Perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments or adding a touch of luxury to any occasion, Pink Reverie offers a timeless charm that captivates and delights. Whether for a cherished loved one or as a self-indulgent treat, this bouquet is designed to inspire awe and admiration.
Pink Reverie
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- 3 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
- Consigue 10.5 bonos
pink roses - 50 ud.
- Anchura - 50 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
Indulge in a moment of pure elegance with our Pink Reverie bouquet. This enchanting arrangement features 60 exquisite pink roses, each one a symbol of grace and affection. Their soft, blush tones and velvety petals come together to create a stunning display of romance and beauty. Perfect for expressing heartfelt sentiments or adding a touch of luxury to any occasion, Pink Reverie offers a timeless charm that captivates and delights. Whether for a cherished loved one or as a self-indulgent treat, this bouquet is designed to inspire awe and admiration.
Valoraciones y valoración
Diciembre 2024
All is good flowers are beautiful
Septiembre 2024
Agosto 2024
Marzo 2024 • Comentario de google maps
باقة زهور ممتازة
Marzo 2024 • Comentario de google maps
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