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A stunning hand bouquet featuring aromatic Pink O’Hara roses paired with classic red roses. The soft, romantic hues of the Pink O’Hara roses, with their enchanting fragrance, blend beautifully with the bold, velvety red roses, symbolizing love and passion. This elegant combination creates a harmonious and captivating arrangement, perfect for any occasion. Wrapped with care, this bouquet exudes sophistication, charm, and heartfelt emotion, making it a truly memorable gift.
Existencias confirmadas 3 h 20 min hace
Pink Ohara Red Rose Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 6.57 bonos
- FlowerBouquets - Supertienda. Las Supertiendas son tiendas con valoraciones excelentes que hacen todo lo posible por ofrecer un servicio de calidad.
Red rose - 10 ud. Pink O'Hara rose - 10 ud.
- Anchura - 25 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
A stunning hand bouquet featuring aromatic Pink O’Hara roses paired with classic red roses. The soft, romantic hues of the Pink O’Hara roses, with their enchanting fragrance, blend beautifully with the bold, velvety red roses, symbolizing love and passion. This elegant combination creates a harmonious and captivating arrangement, perfect for any occasion. Wrapped with care, this bouquet exudes sophistication, charm, and heartfelt emotion, making it a truly memorable gift.
235 valoraciones • 201 compra
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Great service 👌🏽
Diciembre 2024
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