Discover the enchanting beauty of the Pink Harmony Bouquet. This stunning arrangement captures the essence of elegance and grace with its mix of pink hydrangea, delicate pink dianthus, and charming eustoma. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by pristine white spray roses, creating a delightful symphony of colors and textures. Each bloom is thoughtfully arranged and wrapped in stylish designer packaging, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a special milestone, expressing heartfelt sentiments, or simply brightening someones day, the Pink Harmony Bouquet brings a touch of timeless beauty and joy to every moment. Let this exquisite arrangement convey your warmest wishes and add a splash of color to any setting.
in_stock_confirmed 10 min hace
Pink Harmony Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- 6 mans_more_4 added_product_to_collections
- neofront/you_will_get 14.9 5bonus
- Fellora Luxe Blooms - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
Eucalyptus - 1 ud. Pistachio - 1 ud. dianthus - 2 ud. hydrangea pink - 1 ud. eustoma pink - 2 ud. design packaging - 1 ud. sweet sarah spray rose - 3 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
Discover the enchanting beauty of the Pink Harmony Bouquet. This stunning arrangement captures the essence of elegance and grace with its mix of pink hydrangea, delicate pink dianthus, and charming eustoma. The bouquet is beautifully complemented by pristine white spray roses, creating a delightful symphony of colors and textures. Each bloom is thoughtfully arranged and wrapped in stylish designer packaging, making it a perfect gift for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a special milestone, expressing heartfelt sentiments, or simply brightening someones day, the Pink Harmony Bouquet brings a touch of timeless beauty and joy to every moment. Let this exquisite arrangement convey your warmest wishes and add a splash of color to any setting.
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Hello! The recipient of the flowers is upset because the next day one flower wilted and another began to wilt. Here are the photos Wilted flower Flower about to wilt
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