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Awaken your senses with our exclusive Florists Special bouquet. This arrangement bewitches with delicate 5 pink expression roses, bringing a touch of elegance and charm to any setting. Complemented perfectly by 4 pristine white matthiolas, richly scented flowers known for their long-lasting properties, it captivates with an intoxicating fragrance. The inclusion of eucalyptus leaves seals the deal, adding a fresh, minty tone, effortlessly brightening up your day. Whether youre celebrating a special occasion or simply treating yourself, this bouquet promises to effortlessly uplift the atmosphere.
Existencias confirmadas hoy
Petals Of Joy
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 7.95 bonos
eucalyptus leaves - 1 ud. rose pink expression - 5 ud. matthiola white - 4 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Amore flowers, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Awaken your senses with our exclusive Florists Special bouquet. This arrangement bewitches with delicate 5 pink expression roses, bringing a touch of elegance and charm to any setting. Complemented perfectly by 4 pristine white matthiolas, richly scented flowers known for their long-lasting properties, it captivates with an intoxicating fragrance. The inclusion of eucalyptus leaves seals the deal, adding a fresh, minty tone, effortlessly brightening up your day. Whether youre celebrating a special occasion or simply treating yourself, this bouquet promises to effortlessly uplift the atmosphere.
Valoraciones y valoración
Noviembre 2024
Julio 2024 • Comentario de google maps
Excellent ❤️❤️❤️
Julio 2024 • Comentario de google maps
Excellent service .
Julio 2024 • Comentario de google maps
A more Flowers is an absolute gem! Their stunning arrangements and fresh flowers always exceed my expectations. The staff is incredibly friendly and attentive to every detail. Highly recommend!
Octubre 2024 • Comentario de google maps
I have ordered flowers three times from Amore. Everytime they are super fresh and you can find certain flowers that aren’t available everywhere. Would definitely recommend for someone who loves fresh flowers and beautiful compositions
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