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The Magenta Radiance Bouquet is a bold and captivating arrangement designed to make a statement. Featuring striking magenta lilies, lush green chrysanthemums, and soft white hydrangeas, this bouquet bursts with vibrant energy. The deep burgundy wrapping adds a touch of elegance, while the pink ribbon ties it all together, making it a perfect gift for celebrating milestones, expressing love, or simply bringing joy to someone’s day. This bouquet speaks of passion, elegance, and the beauty of natures boldest hues.
Existencias confirmadas 95 min hace
Magenta Radiance Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 4.99 bonos
Ruscus - 2 ud. white hydrangea - 1 ud. pink lily - 1 ud. white statice - 1 ud. light pink chrysanthemum - 1 ud. pittusperum leaves - 2 ud. vip green deco star - 1 ud. pink and red santini - 4 ud.
- Anchura - 45 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
Floretly, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
The Magenta Radiance Bouquet is a bold and captivating arrangement designed to make a statement. Featuring striking magenta lilies, lush green chrysanthemums, and soft white hydrangeas, this bouquet bursts with vibrant energy. The deep burgundy wrapping adds a touch of elegance, while the pink ribbon ties it all together, making it a perfect gift for celebrating milestones, expressing love, or simply bringing joy to someone’s day. This bouquet speaks of passion, elegance, and the beauty of natures boldest hues.
Valoraciones y valoración
Giorgia Bellini
Noviembre 2024
Septiembre 2024
Juan camilo
Julio 2024
Junio 2024
Never thought it will be that good and more. Have order it from uk and also had a very good satisfaction on there products and delivery. I appreciate it alot and thank you
Mayo 2024
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