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Celebrate lifes special moments with this charming bouquet of 11 baby roses. These petite, vibrant roses are the perfect symbol of new beginnings, joy, and affection. Ideal for a range of occasions, from weddings and anniversaries to graduations, this versatile bouquet can also be a thoughtful gift for welcoming a new baby or congratulating a new mother. With soft colors and delicate petals, this arrangement can be customized to suit your style, whether its a simple hand-tied bouquet or an elegant vase display. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or as a heartfelt gift for new mothers and to celebrate the arrival of a new baby.
La Fete Delicate Charm: 11 Baby Rose Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 4.95 bonos
baby rose - 11 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 45 cm
Celebrate lifes special moments with this charming bouquet of 11 baby roses. These petite, vibrant roses are the perfect symbol of new beginnings, joy, and affection. Ideal for a range of occasions, from weddings and anniversaries to graduations, this versatile bouquet can also be a thoughtful gift for welcoming a new baby or congratulating a new mother. With soft colors and delicate petals, this arrangement can be customized to suit your style, whether its a simple hand-tied bouquet or an elegant vase display. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, graduations, or as a heartfelt gift for new mothers and to celebrate the arrival of a new baby.
Valoraciones y valoración
Octubre 2024
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