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This bouquet epitomises tenderness and elegance. Its composition includes pink carnations with their exquisite fragrance, beautiful lisianthus (eustoma) with their many delicate petals, eucalyptus which adds freshness and texture to the bouquet, and bombastic roses - large roses of a juicy shade that give it brightness. The bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any occasion.
Existencias confirmadas 50 min hace
Garden Whispers
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 14.9 bonos
Eucalyptus - 2 ud. Eustoma white - 2 ud. Pistachio - 1 ud. pink carnations - 3 ud. ribbon satin - 1 ud. bombastic rose - 1 ud. delphinium - 1 ud. designer wrapping - 1 ud. tissue paper - 1 ud.
- Anchura - 25 cm
- Altura - 35 cm
This bouquet epitomises tenderness and elegance. Its composition includes pink carnations with their exquisite fragrance, beautiful lisianthus (eustoma) with their many delicate petals, eucalyptus which adds freshness and texture to the bouquet, and bombastic roses - large roses of a juicy shade that give it brightness. The bouquet will make a wonderful gift for any occasion.
6347 valoraciones • 5884 compras
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Always fresh and beautiful flowers. I am a regular customer and the seller appreciates it. If something happens, they quickly solve the problem. Thank you
Pavlo Hyriavets
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