A festive Christmas bouquet featuring 5 stunning red roses, lush Nobilis greenery, soft cotton stems, and vibrant red cherries. Adorned with sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, it is elegantly wrapped in a green and white composition that captures the spirit of the season. Perfect as a holiday gift or a decorative centerpiece to spread joy and cheer.
Evergreen Noel Bouquet
- cv/item_card/empty_address_2
- neofront/you_will_get 17.43 5bonus
- GARDEN OF EDEN FLOWERS - supershop. neofront/what_is_supershop
Red rose - 5 ud. nobilis - 4 ud. cotton stem - 3 ud. red cherry - 2 ud. christmas ball and bell ornaments - 5 ud. marry christmas tag - 1 ud.
- Anchura - 35 cm
- Altura - 42 cm
Garden of eden
A festive Christmas bouquet featuring 5 stunning red roses, lush Nobilis greenery, soft cotton stems, and vibrant red cherries. Adorned with sparkling Christmas ball and bell ornaments, it is elegantly wrapped in a green and white composition that captures the spirit of the season. Perfect as a holiday gift or a decorative centerpiece to spread joy and cheer.
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Ilia Lesukov
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