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Make Mothers Day truly special with the Deep Garden arrangement, featuring 12 rich purple roses, 6 elegant purple Estoma flowers, and 4 delicate pink wax stems, all beautifully arranged in a chic vase. This sophisticated bouquet combines vibrant hues and textures to create a striking and memorable display, perfect for expressing love and appreciation on this special day. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses, Estoma, and wax stems regularly to keep them looking fresh. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent color fading. Clean the vase periodically to maintain its polished appearance. Keywords: Deep Garden, purple roses, purple Estoma, pink wax stems, Mothers Day bouquet, floral arrangement, vase arrangement, elegant bouquet, artificial flowers, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, sophisticated bouquet, low maintenance flowers
Deep Garden: 12 Purple Roses, 6 Purple Estoma, and 4 Pink Wax Stems in a Vase
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- Consigue 7.4 bonos
- Al Zahra Fresh Flowers - Supertienda. Las Supertiendas son tiendas con valoraciones excelentes que hacen todo lo posible por ofrecer un servicio de calidad.
pink wax stem - 4 ud. purple roses - 12 ud. purple estoma - 6 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Al zahra fresh flowers
Make Mothers Day truly special with the Deep Garden arrangement, featuring 12 rich purple roses, 6 elegant purple Estoma flowers, and 4 delicate pink wax stems, all beautifully arranged in a chic vase. This sophisticated bouquet combines vibrant hues and textures to create a striking and memorable display, perfect for expressing love and appreciation on this special day. Flower Care Tips: Dust the roses, Estoma, and wax stems regularly to keep them looking fresh. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent color fading. Clean the vase periodically to maintain its polished appearance. Keywords: Deep Garden, purple roses, purple Estoma, pink wax stems, Mothers Day bouquet, floral arrangement, vase arrangement, elegant bouquet, artificial flowers, indoor décor, home décor, office décor, sophisticated bouquet, low maintenance flowers
74 valoraciones • 50 compras
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Diciembre 2024
Очень оперативно отправили букетик, быстра доставка, демократично по ценам. Ребята выручили меня😅
Diciembre 2024
Good communication whit dealer, precise delivery, flowers were highly appreciated! Very satisfied! 👍🏻
Diciembre 2024
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