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Immerse yourself in the beauty of our “Dazzling Pink” roses, where each bloom radiates with vibrant hues of pink. Perfectly curated to captivate and charm, these roses are an exquisite choice for adding elegance and joy to any moment or celebration.
Existencias confirmadas hoy
Dazzling Pink
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 10.5 bonos
jumilia rose - 41 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Immerse yourself in the beauty of our “Dazzling Pink” roses, where each bloom radiates with vibrant hues of pink. Perfectly curated to captivate and charm, these roses are an exquisite choice for adding elegance and joy to any moment or celebration.
Valoraciones y valoración
Diciembre 2024
Octubre 2024
Amazing quality and on time
Agosto 2024 • Comentario de google maps
لقد احببت نوعية الزهور وجمال وترتيب الباقات انها رائعة جدا
Agosto 2023 • Comentario de google maps
Great shop.. Recommended
Agosto 2024 • Comentario de google maps
Highly recommended
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