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Discover the Crimson Elegance bouquet, a luxurious collection of 15 exquisite red roses. Each bloom, with its rich, full petals, creates a striking display of passion and beauty. Red roses are a timeless symbol of deep love and admiration, making this bouquet a perfect gift for expressing your most heartfelt sentiments. The vibrant crimson color and lush blossoms are sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression. Let the classic beauty of these red roses convey your emotions and bring joy to any special moment.
Crimson Elegance
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- Consigue 9 bonos
packaging - 4 ud. peony rose tess - 15 ud.
- Anchura - 27 cm
- Altura - 48 cm
Discover the Crimson Elegance bouquet, a luxurious collection of 15 exquisite red roses. Each bloom, with its rich, full petals, creates a striking display of passion and beauty. Red roses are a timeless symbol of deep love and admiration, making this bouquet a perfect gift for expressing your most heartfelt sentiments. The vibrant crimson color and lush blossoms are sure to captivate and leave a lasting impression. Let the classic beauty of these red roses convey your emotions and bring joy to any special moment.
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