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This bouquet features a charming floral arrangement in the shape of a cat. The body of the cat is made up of white carnations or similar flowers, with black button-like eyes, a pink nose, and black whiskers crafted from material for a whimsical look. The floral cat is placed in the center of a vibrant arrangement that includes pink and purple chrysanthemums, lilies, roses in various colors (such as yellow and pink), and sprigs of baby’s breath. The entire arrangement is set in a purple basket, adding to the playful and cute aesthetic. The combination of the cute cat and the colorful flowers creates a fun, lively, and adorable centerpiece.
Existencias confirmadas hoy
Fresh flower Cat bouquet arrangement
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 14.4 bonos
Chrysanthemum - 5 ud. Alstroemeria - 3 ud. Pink rose - 5 ud. lily white - 1 ud. carnation white - 50 ud. orange rose - 5 ud. gypsophila flower - 10 ud. ecolyptus - 5 ud.
- Anchura - 30 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
This bouquet features a charming floral arrangement in the shape of a cat. The body of the cat is made up of white carnations or similar flowers, with black button-like eyes, a pink nose, and black whiskers crafted from material for a whimsical look. The floral cat is placed in the center of a vibrant arrangement that includes pink and purple chrysanthemums, lilies, roses in various colors (such as yellow and pink), and sprigs of baby’s breath. The entire arrangement is set in a purple basket, adding to the playful and cute aesthetic. The combination of the cute cat and the colorful flowers creates a fun, lively, and adorable centerpiece.
132 valoraciones • 109 compras
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Diciembre 2024
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Octubre 2024
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Junio 2024
great flowers! Thank you very much, I am very pleased with the bouquet.
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