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Flores y regalos

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  • 25 cm
  • 50 cm

A bright bouquet of persistent pink alstroemeria. Perfect to make your loved ones day more enjoyable. Instructions: 1. If desired, carefully remove the packaging. 2. Cut the stems by 2cm to allow water to flow more easily to the buds and immediately place the bouquet in cold, clean water. 3. Flowers do not like temperature fluctuations, when choosing a place for the bouquet, try to avoid bright sun and draughts and do not put flowers near heating devices. 4. Change the water and renew the cuttings every day.

Artículo temporalmente sin existencias

Bright Pink Alstroemerias - 2003

5 mil Valoraciones del artículo
  • 1 persona añadido artículo a tu lista


Alstroemeria - 11 ud. packaging - 1 ud.


  • Anchura - 25 cm
  • Altura - 50 cm

A bright bouquet of persistent pink alstroemeria. Perfect to make your loved ones day more enjoyable. Instructions: 1. If desired, carefully remove the packaging. 2. Cut the stems by 2cm to allow water to flow more easily to the buds and immediately place the bouquet in cold, clean water. 3. Flowers do not like temperature fluctuations, when choosing a place for the bouquet, try to avoid bright sun and draughts and do not put flowers near heating devices. 4. Change the water and renew the cuttings every day.

Acepta bonos

Fellora Luxe Blooms

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5209 valoraciones 4674 compras

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