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Roses are a symbol of love and passion, and their French variety adds sophistication and elegance to the bouquet. Spray roses with eucalyptus add freshness and sophistication, making the bouquet unique and memorable. The bouquet is arranged in stylish and modern packaging that emphasises the beauty of the flowers and makes it ready for gifting. By choosing this bouquet, you are making a wonderful choice that will delight and impress your loved ones.
Existencias confirmadas 20 min hace
Bouquet of French Pink Roses and Peony Spray Roses
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- 12 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
- Consigue 14.9 bonos
Eucalyptus - 1 ud. packaging - 4 ud. peony spray rose - 5 ud. french rose - 3 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
Roses are a symbol of love and passion, and their French variety adds sophistication and elegance to the bouquet. Spray roses with eucalyptus add freshness and sophistication, making the bouquet unique and memorable. The bouquet is arranged in stylish and modern packaging that emphasises the beauty of the flowers and makes it ready for gifting. By choosing this bouquet, you are making a wonderful choice that will delight and impress your loved ones.
6327 valoraciones • 5880 compras
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As usual amazing bouquets 😍
Octubre 2024
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Danubia sousa
Esta semana
Amazing service ! The best customer service I could ask for! Simply amazing 🤩
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