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A stunning blend of passionate red roses and delicate pink roses, this bouquet captures the essence of romance and grace. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, its an elegant choice for any special occasion. Let this exquisite arrangement speak the language of love and beauty.
Blushing elegence bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 8.1 bonos
red roses - 10 ud. red baby roses - 3 ud. pink roses - 15 ud.
- Anchura - 50 cm
- Altura - 70 cm
A stunning blend of passionate red roses and delicate pink roses, this bouquet captures the essence of romance and grace. Perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, its an elegant choice for any special occasion. Let this exquisite arrangement speak the language of love and beauty.
Valoraciones y valoración
Mehmet Sunna
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Mehmet Sunna
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