Experience the timeless beauty of our Blush Peony Roses with Eucalyptus bouquet. This stunning arrangement features eleven exquisite pink peony roses, complemented by the fresh, aromatic touch of eucalyptus. Perfectly wrapped in elegant designer packaging, this bouquet is an ideal gift for any occasion, offering a blend of sophistication and natural charm. Let the delicate beauty and enchanting fragrance of peony roses bring joy to your special moments.
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Blush Peony Roses with Eucalyptus-1969
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- Fellora Flower Boutique - Supertienda. Las Supertiendas son tiendas con valoraciones excelentes que hacen todo lo posible por ofrecer un servicio de calidad.
Eucalyptus - 5 ud. packaging - 1 ud. peony roses - 11 ud.
- Anchura - 25 cm
- Altura - 50 cm
Experience the timeless beauty of our Blush Peony Roses with Eucalyptus bouquet. This stunning arrangement features eleven exquisite pink peony roses, complemented by the fresh, aromatic touch of eucalyptus. Perfectly wrapped in elegant designer packaging, this bouquet is an ideal gift for any occasion, offering a blend of sophistication and natural charm. Let the delicate beauty and enchanting fragrance of peony roses bring joy to your special moments.
7021 valoración • 6479 compras
Valoraciones y opinión
AMAZING im in love with how the flowers turned out the quality is perfect 10/10
Maxim Masterenko
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