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The Blissful Garden Bouquet is a vibrant and joyful arrangement that brings together the charm of nature in a stunning display. This bouquet features a mix of rich red roses, soft pink chrysanthemums, and a striking blue chrysanthemum at the center. Delicate sprigs of eucalyptus add a fresh, green accent, while a variety of other seasonal blooms complete the look. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement comes in a sleek, modern vase that complements the bright colors of the flowers, making it a beautiful centerpiece for any room. Key Features: Rich mix of red and pink chrysanthemums Striking blue chrysanthemum for a bold contrast Accented with fresh eucalyptus leaves Arranged in a modern, elegant vase Tags:
Existencias confirmadas 2 h 10 min hace
Blissful Garden Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 2.97 bonificación
Eucalyptus - 2 ud. Ruscus - 3 ud. santini - 2 ud. white santini - 1 ud. wax purple - 1 ud. blue aster flower - 1 ud. chrysanthemum pink grandiflorum - 3 ud. fuschia pink - 2 ud. green albiflora - 4 ud.
- Anchura - 50 cm
- Altura - 55 cm
Floretly, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
The Blissful Garden Bouquet is a vibrant and joyful arrangement that brings together the charm of nature in a stunning display. This bouquet features a mix of rich red roses, soft pink chrysanthemums, and a striking blue chrysanthemum at the center. Delicate sprigs of eucalyptus add a fresh, green accent, while a variety of other seasonal blooms complete the look. Perfect for any occasion, this arrangement comes in a sleek, modern vase that complements the bright colors of the flowers, making it a beautiful centerpiece for any room. Key Features: Rich mix of red and pink chrysanthemums Striking blue chrysanthemum for a bold contrast Accented with fresh eucalyptus leaves Arranged in a modern, elegant vase Tags:
Valoraciones y valoración
Giorgia Bellini
Noviembre 2024
Septiembre 2024
Juan camilo
Julio 2024
Junio 2024
Never thought it will be that good and more. Have order it from uk and also had a very good satisfaction on there products and delivery. I appreciate it alot and thank you
Mayo 2024
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