Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of our Azure Hydrangea Elegance bouquet. This exquisite monobouquet features stunning blue hydrangeas, celebrated for their lush, voluminous blooms and tranquil hue. Perfect for any special occasion, from weddings to birthdays, or simply to bring a touch of elegance into any space, this bouquet exudes sophistication and calm. The soft blue color and abundant blossoms make it a timeless and memorable gift, sure to leave a lasting impression.
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Azure Hydrangea Elegance
- 11 personas han añadido el producto a sus listas
hydrangea blue - 3 ud. white satin ribbon - 2 ud. matte blue wrapping - 4 ud. tissue paper white - - 3 ud.
- Anchura - 40 cm
- Altura - 55 cm
Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of our Azure Hydrangea Elegance bouquet. This exquisite monobouquet features stunning blue hydrangeas, celebrated for their lush, voluminous blooms and tranquil hue. Perfect for any special occasion, from weddings to birthdays, or simply to bring a touch of elegance into any space, this bouquet exudes sophistication and calm. The soft blue color and abundant blossoms make it a timeless and memorable gift, sure to leave a lasting impression.
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