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Indulge in the charm of our Florists Specials with this breathtaking bouquet! Carefully composed of 5 sumptuous red roses, this arrangement stands as a symbol of love and passion. Bringing balance and purity, one striking white rose has been added to please the eye. Complimented by 2 lovely pink roses, this bouquet subtly brings a touch of romance and admiration. Final touches of elegance and freshness are granted by a delightful mix of 2 white and green flowers. This diverse bouquet promises to add a touch of magic to any occasion.
Aurelia s mix flowers
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 2.4 bonificación
Red rose - 5 ud. Pink rose - 2 ud. white roses - 1 ud. white and green flowers mix - 2 ud.
- Anchura - 25 cm
- Altura - 40 cm
Aurelia, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Indulge in the charm of our Florists Specials with this breathtaking bouquet! Carefully composed of 5 sumptuous red roses, this arrangement stands as a symbol of love and passion. Bringing balance and purity, one striking white rose has been added to please the eye. Complimented by 2 lovely pink roses, this bouquet subtly brings a touch of romance and admiration. Final touches of elegance and freshness are granted by a delightful mix of 2 white and green flowers. This diverse bouquet promises to add a touch of magic to any occasion.
Valoraciones y valoración
Noviembre 2024 • Comentario de google maps
Very good service, fresh flowers always most important very reasonable price ❤️ loved it
Octubre 2024 • Comentario de google maps
Amazing service. Beautiful flowers. I've been ordering all my arrangements from them for more than a year now and I've never been disappointed!
Septiembre 2024 • Comentario de google maps
I recently ordered a bouquet and I couldn’t be more impressed with the quality & service I recieved.The flowers were incredibly fresh & beautifully arranged. Overall, I had an outstanding experience and I’ll definitely be returning for future flower needs. Highly recommend!
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