Delight your senses with our unique bouquet of chocolate flowers. This stunning collection features fresh Yellow Roses (10 pcs) and alluring Purple Roses (2 pcs), beautifully enfolded in exquisite wrapping paper (4 pcs) and liner paper (2 pcs). Intertwined within the blooms are your favorite Kinder Chocolates (16 pcs) and Twix Bars (16 pcs), awaiting for you to indulge. To complete the arrangement, delicate sprigs of Babys Breath (2 pcs) add a touch of softness and elegance. This perfect treat in a bundle is sure to warm hearts and sweeten days. Enjoy or gift this bouquet that is as visually enchanting as it tastes.
Existencias confirmadas 85 min hace
12 Roses and Chocolate Bouquet
- para que podamos calcular el precio de la entrega
- Consigue 8.75 bonos
Kinder chocolate - 16 ud. purple rose - 2 ud. wrapping paper - 4 ud. fresh yellow rose - 10 ud. babys breath - 2 ud. liner paper - 2 ud. twix bars - 16 ud.
- Anchura - 55 cm
- Altura - 60 cm
La vida flowers and gifts, Emiratos Árabes Unidos
País de fabricación
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Delight your senses with our unique bouquet of chocolate flowers. This stunning collection features fresh Yellow Roses (10 pcs) and alluring Purple Roses (2 pcs), beautifully enfolded in exquisite wrapping paper (4 pcs) and liner paper (2 pcs). Intertwined within the blooms are your favorite Kinder Chocolates (16 pcs) and Twix Bars (16 pcs), awaiting for you to indulge. To complete the arrangement, delicate sprigs of Babys Breath (2 pcs) add a touch of softness and elegance. This perfect treat in a bundle is sure to warm hearts and sweeten days. Enjoy or gift this bouquet that is as visually enchanting as it tastes.
Valoraciones y valoración
Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
Diciembre 2024
Beautiful flowers, excellent service and on-time delivery.
Diciembre 2024
Заказ мне не привезли, продавец отменил заказ в последнюю секунду, когда уже должны были привезти цветы. Я рассчитывал на цветы и подарок, но продавец без каких либо сообщений и предупреждений в одностороннем порядке отменил заказ - это ужасно! Надо удалять таких продавцов с площадки!
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