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  • 20 cm
  • 24 cm

Description A delightful innovation. Light and flaky, these thin croissants are a modern twist on the classic, offering the buttery layers you love in a convenient, flat shape. Croissant flats provide the same rich, buttery taste and delicate texture of traditional croissants but with a crispier, flatter profile, often coated with pure melted chocolate and a choice of condiments. Experience a sweet symphony of flavors with our White Chocolate Delight Flat Croissant with Crunchy Caramel. The silky white chocolate complements the light, buttery croissant, while the crunchy caramel pieces add an irresistible texture and sweetness. This delectable treat is perfect for those who love the combination of creamy and crunchy in every bite.

White Chocolate Flat Croissant

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  • Consigue 0.12 bonos


Ingredient Flour T 55 Nezo Salt Caster Sugar Unsalted Butter Block Dry Yeast Water Bread Improver Anchor Milk Powder White Chocolate Callets Choice of Condiments Crunchy Caramel


  • Anchura - 20 cm
  • Altura - 24 cm

Peso del artículo

100 gr

País de fabricación

Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Description A delightful innovation. Light and flaky, these thin croissants are a modern twist on the classic, offering the buttery layers you love in a convenient, flat shape. Croissant flats provide the same rich, buttery taste and delicate texture of traditional croissants but with a crispier, flatter profile, often coated with pure melted chocolate and a choice of condiments. Experience a sweet symphony of flavors with our White Chocolate Delight Flat Croissant with Crunchy Caramel. The silky white chocolate complements the light, buttery croissant, while the crunchy caramel pieces add an irresistible texture and sweetness. This delectable treat is perfect for those who love the combination of creamy and crunchy in every bite.

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