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Casa y Jardín

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  • 30 cm
  • 12 cm

Absolutely guilt-free, light and fluffy Experience the decadence and deliciousness of our Swiss Meringue Roll. Light and fluffy, this absolutely guilt-free gluten-free treat is sure to delight your senses and tantalize your taste buds. Lovers of healthy treats will appreciate its sugar-free, low calorie, and high protein composition. Indulge in a moment of luxury with each delightful bite.

Gluten free and sugar free, high protein, no flour, Swiss Meringue Roll

4 valoraciones del artículo
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  • 1 persona añadido artículo a tu lista
  • Consigue 1.99 bonos



Ingredients: Egg whites, erythritol, isomalt, lemon, cottage cheese, ricotta, allulose syrup ✅ Calories: 115 kcal ✅ Protein: 10.6 g ✅ Fat: 4.7 g ✅ Total Carbs: 9.8 g ✅ Net Carbs: (after fiber sugar alcohols) ~5-6 g This no flour and no sugar roll makes it perfect for a keto or low-calorie diet, providing a protein-rich, low-carb, and deliciously satisfying dessert!


  • Anchura - 30 cm
  • Altura - 12 cm

Peso del artículo

830 gr

Absolutely guilt-free, light and fluffy Experience the decadence and deliciousness of our Swiss Meringue Roll. Light and fluffy, this absolutely guilt-free gluten-free treat is sure to delight your senses and tantalize your taste buds. Lovers of healthy treats will appreciate its sugar-free, low calorie, and high protein composition. Indulge in a moment of luxury with each delightful bite.

Acepta bonos

Rawsome Patisserie

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Valoraciones y opinión


Marzo 2025

  • Servicio

    5 /5

  • Calidad/precio

    5 /5

  • Entrega

    5 /5

  • Compatibilidad

    5 /5


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