Bright, fragrant, tasty and healthy bouquet of strawberries🍓 A bouquet of strawberries looks very stylish. It will be a worthy alternative to traditional flowers and sweets. It can be presented to your girlfriend as a token of admiration, to your mother or grandmother as a token of gratitude and respect, to a work colleague as a token of attention, etc. A bouquet of strawberries is not only bright and fragrant, but also tasty and healthy. It will allow you to truly surprise the recipient, achieve her special favor, arouse increased interest in yourself🫐
Stock confirmed 65 min ago
Big lover berry box
- and we'll find out the delivery cost
- 8 people product added to their collections
- You will get 22.5 bonuses
strawberry - 750 g raspberry - 150 g blueberries - 250 pcs
- Width - 45 cm
- Height - 40 cm
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Bright, fragrant, tasty and healthy bouquet of strawberries🍓 A bouquet of strawberries looks very stylish. It will be a worthy alternative to traditional flowers and sweets. It can be presented to your girlfriend as a token of admiration, to your mother or grandmother as a token of gratitude and respect, to a work colleague as a token of attention, etc. A bouquet of strawberries is not only bright and fragrant, but also tasty and healthy. It will allow you to truly surprise the recipient, achieve her special favor, arouse increased interest in yourself🫐
202 ratings • 199 purchases
Ratings and reviews
February 2025
Unfortunately delivery was 2 and a half hours late
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Все очень достойно! И клубнички в форме мишек, упаковка и открытка! Даже специальный пакет для такой коробочки! Спасибо большое 🫶
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