Indulge in this heavenly Fruit Bouquet, a tantalizing array of fruits meticulously handpicked for you. This refreshingly delicious arrangement features a succulent whole watermelon at its center, surrounded by a lavish 750g of fresh strawberries. To tantalize your taste buds even further, weve added an additional sprinkle of 250g of delectable blueberries and a generous amount of plump and sweet 150g black berries. Red currents weighing 150g add a delightful zing, while juicy, plump grapes weighing a resounding 250g drape like natural ornaments, adding to the bountiful beauty of this bouquet. Lastly, delicate and aromatic mint leaves are scattered across for a refreshing finish. Each fruit is selected for its ripeness and quality to ensure that our fruit bouquet is the most delectable and visually striking treat youve ever experienced. Enjoy the taste of natures best!
Berries overloaded watermelon cake
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- You will get 6.75 bonuses
grapes - 250 pcs strawberry - 750 g watermelon - 1 pcs blueberry - 250 g mint leaves - 50 g red current - 150 g black berry - 150 g
- Width - 28 cm
- Height - 19 cm
Fruitify, United Arab Emirates
Country of manufacture
United Arab Emirates
Indulge in this heavenly Fruit Bouquet, a tantalizing array of fruits meticulously handpicked for you. This refreshingly delicious arrangement features a succulent whole watermelon at its center, surrounded by a lavish 750g of fresh strawberries. To tantalize your taste buds even further, weve added an additional sprinkle of 250g of delectable blueberries and a generous amount of plump and sweet 150g black berries. Red currents weighing 150g add a delightful zing, while juicy, plump grapes weighing a resounding 250g drape like natural ornaments, adding to the bountiful beauty of this bouquet. Lastly, delicate and aromatic mint leaves are scattered across for a refreshing finish. Each fruit is selected for its ripeness and quality to ensure that our fruit bouquet is the most delectable and visually striking treat youve ever experienced. Enjoy the taste of natures best!
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