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Valentines day gifts in Dubai

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  1. Flowers delivery Dubai
  2. Valentine's day gifts in Dubai

Valentines day gifts in Dubai

My Ideal Valentine: How to Make Your Partner Feel Special on Valentine’s Day?

As times change, so do the holiday trends, and the international celebration of love isn’t an exception. Previously, this romantic festival was simply a small occasion to send your loved one a postcard; now, countless couples go over the top for February 14th, 2023. However, we’re here to tell you that you can show passion and loyalty with simple Valentine's Day presents, becoming the ideal Valentine for your significant other.

First and foremost, forget about the perfect Valentine's Day gift for her to demonstrate the spectrum of your feelings. Every person is a one-of-a-kind individual, so choosing something that aligns with their preferences would be a more effective strategy. If there’s something your loved one has been longing for, but they didn't get it yet, this could be a precious opportunity to reveal deep care and appreciation.

On a second note, an ultimate approach is to start small, for example, by preparing multiple Valentine's Day gifts for him. An ideal Valentine organises not just one but up to five activities – be it a mini-gift or a homemade candlelit dinner. Don’t be afraid of ‘not being enough’ for your partner. In the world of romance, the smallest gestures earn the biggest rewards.

Whether you opt for one large present or a bunch of tiny ones, Flowwow has the best selection of Valentine's Day gifts in Dubai, ranging from exquisite flower bouquets to top-notch chocolate boxes. Our selection includes the highest-quality items, while same-day delivery helps prepare an exceptional surprise from the comfort of your own home.

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Frequently asked Questions

Why is Valentine's day on February 14?

This date was not chosen randomly; according to historians, Pope Gelasius I established this holiday to replace Lupercalia, a Roman festival of fertility that took place on February 14th. However, there’s another explanation - the tradition commemorates the day of Saint Valentine’s execution.

When was February 14 declared Valentine's Day?

Unfortunately, there’s no concrete evidence regarding the date, but the official estimates suggest a range between the 3rd and 5th centuries.

Why is Valentine's Day so romantic?

The answer to this question lies in the work of Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Parliament of Fowls,” which referred to Valentine’s Day as the ideal occasion to express affection. Thus, the custom was created, and February 14th was popularised as an essential romantic holiday.

What are the 7 days of Valentine?

The seven days of Valentine, or Valentine’s Week, are a modern trend that extends the traditional one-day celebration. This practice attributes special meaning to each day over the week preceding Valentine’s Day, and it's an incredible opportunity to demonstrate sincere passion. Take a peek at these activities to try with your significant other: Day 1, February 7th – Rose Day. Gift roses on this starting day - the ideal symbols of love and romantic attachment. Day 2, February 8th – Propose Day. This is the time to move your relationship to the next step by making a significant change – offering to move in together or actually asking for their hand in marriage. Day 3, February 9th – Chocolate Day. Once again, the name says it all: indulge your loved one by gifting anything made of chocolate. Day 4, February 10th – Teddy Day. With teddy bears being the universal symbol of Valentine’s Day, you simply can’t avoid surprising your partner with this cute plushie. Day 5, February 11th – Promise Day. On this day, each of you has an opportunity to make things serious as you are prompted to make a meaningful promise regarding your future together. Day 6, February 12th – Hug Day. As Promise Day is over, it’s time to lighten the mood, embracing each other in passionate hugs. Day 7, February 13th – Kiss Day. From the hugging stage, advance to kissing, commemorating your devotion and care.

Who can celebrate Valentine's Day?

According to modern views, there’s no limit to love, meaning anyone can participate. Celebrate the affection toward your romantic partner, family members or even best friends.

Is Valentine's Day just about couples?

Thankfully, the tradition of dedicating this holiday to only lovers has long disappeared. Don’t hesitate to congratulate all the people who inspire passion in you – be it a close relative or a faithful friend, they certainly deserve to feel loved and appreciated.

What is the best surprise for Valentine's day?

Regardless of personal preferences, most people agree that spending more time with their significant other is the ultimate romantic surprise. So, if you wish to truly amaze your beloved, plan a full-day activity just for the two of you.

What is the best Valentine’s Day gift for a best friend?

Personalised jewellery and accessories are exactly what you need to maintain strong friendship bonds and demonstrate genuine affection. Whether it’s an engraved necklace or a unique cufflink, we’re sure that your bestie will hold on to it for years to come.

Which gift is best for a boyfriend on Valentine's Day?

For a special surprise for a boyfriend, we recommend looking for memorable or practical things: beard oils, computer add-ons, or simply a homemade breakfast in bed.

Do guys get Valentine's Day gifts?

Of course! As Valentine’s Day is the celebration of eternal love between partners, both lovers should prepare presents for their counterparts.
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