1. Light : Bright, indirect sunlight works best. 2. Watering: Let the top inch of soil dry before watering. 3. Humidity: Maintain a humid environment. 4. Temperature: Keep it between 60-80°F (15-30°C). 5. Potting Mix: Use well-draining orchid mix. 6. Fertilization: Feed during the growing season with diluted orchid fertilizer. 7. Air Circulation: Ensure good airflow. 8. Pruning: Trim dead leaves and spent flower spikes. 9. Pest Control: Watch for pests and treat promptly. 10. Repotting: Repot every 1-2 years in a slightly larger pot. 11. Patience: Be patient for blooms; they may take time.
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- Breite - 28 cm
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1. Light : Bright, indirect sunlight works best. 2. Watering: Let the top inch of soil dry before watering. 3. Humidity: Maintain a humid environment. 4. Temperature: Keep it between 60-80°F (15-30°C). 5. Potting Mix: Use well-draining orchid mix. 6. Fertilization: Feed during the growing season with diluted orchid fertilizer. 7. Air Circulation: Ensure good airflow. 8. Pruning: Trim dead leaves and spent flower spikes. 9. Pest Control: Watch for pests and treat promptly. 10. Repotting: Repot every 1-2 years in a slightly larger pot. 11. Patience: Be patient for blooms; they may take time.
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