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The bouquet of white santini and pink alstroemeria is a sophisticated combination of elegance and grace. White santini, with their large and lush blooms, symbolise purity, freshness and sublimity. Pink alstroemeria, with their delicate flowers, add a touch of romance and tenderness to the bouquet, creating a harmonious combination of colours and textures. This bouquet is perfect for special occasions such as a wedding day, a romantic date or simply to express tender and sincere feelings to a loved one. The beauty and sophistication of this bouquet will not leave indifferent anyone who sees it.
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White Santini and Pink Alstroemeria
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- Fellora Luxe Blooms - Supershop. Supershops sind Shops mit hervorragenden Bewertungen, die ihr Bestes geben, um einen hochwertigen Kundenservice zu bieten.
Alstroemeria - 4 Stk. santini - 3 Stk. design packaging - 3 Stk.
- Breite - 20 cm
- Höhe - 45 cm
The bouquet of white santini and pink alstroemeria is a sophisticated combination of elegance and grace. White santini, with their large and lush blooms, symbolise purity, freshness and sublimity. Pink alstroemeria, with their delicate flowers, add a touch of romance and tenderness to the bouquet, creating a harmonious combination of colours and textures. This bouquet is perfect for special occasions such as a wedding day, a romantic date or simply to express tender and sincere feelings to a loved one. The beauty and sophistication of this bouquet will not leave indifferent anyone who sees it.
4378 Ratings • 3865 Käufe
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Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
Ahmed qani
Jan. 2025
Excellent swift service.
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