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A stunning fusion of ten pristine white spray roses and ten classic white roses creates a bouquet of timeless beauty and purity. Each delicate spray rose whispers of innocence and new beginnings, while the lush white roses exude elegance and grace. Together, they form a harmonious ensemble that speaks volumes of serenity and sophistication. Carefully arranged, their pristine petals gently unfurl, showcasing natures exquisite craftsmanship. This enchanting bouquet is a symbol of purity and devotion, perfect for celebrating love, unity, and everlasting bonds.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 10 min. vor
White Love
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 20 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 5.97 Boni
White rose - 10 Stk. white spray rose - 10 Stk.
- Breite - 30 cm
- Höhe - 45 cm
A stunning fusion of ten pristine white spray roses and ten classic white roses creates a bouquet of timeless beauty and purity. Each delicate spray rose whispers of innocence and new beginnings, while the lush white roses exude elegance and grace. Together, they form a harmonious ensemble that speaks volumes of serenity and sophistication. Carefully arranged, their pristine petals gently unfurl, showcasing natures exquisite craftsmanship. This enchanting bouquet is a symbol of purity and devotion, perfect for celebrating love, unity, and everlasting bonds.
453 Ratings • 358 Käufe
Ratings und bewertungen
alisa pavlova
März 2025
amazing flower shop!🫶🏻 the flowers were fresh and beautiful, i’ll definitely return!
Februar 2025
Very nice boutique
In dieser Woche
In dieser Woche
Beautiful flowers delivered on time. Thank you very much!
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