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Discover the tranquil beauty of our bouquet, featuring delicate white lisianthus beautifully complemented by fresh eucalyptus. The elegant, pure white blooms of the lisianthus symbolize purity and grace, while the aromatic eucalyptus adds a touch of natural sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion that calls for a serene and refined gift, this bouquet exudes timeless elegance. The soft, flowing combination of flowers and greenery creates a harmonious and memorable arrangement.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 25 min. vor
White Lisianthus with Eucalyptus - 2023
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 7 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 9.95 Boni
Eucalyptus - 5 Stk. Eustoma white - 11 Stk. ribbon satin - 1 Stk. designer wrapping - 1 Stk.
- Breite - 40 cm
- Höhe - 60 cm
Discover the tranquil beauty of our bouquet, featuring delicate white lisianthus beautifully complemented by fresh eucalyptus. The elegant, pure white blooms of the lisianthus symbolize purity and grace, while the aromatic eucalyptus adds a touch of natural sophistication. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, or any occasion that calls for a serene and refined gift, this bouquet exudes timeless elegance. The soft, flowing combination of flowers and greenery creates a harmonious and memorable arrangement.
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