Bask in the warm, captivating beauty of our Sunset Glow Bouquet, featuring 15 stunning Sunset Spray Roses complemented by 4 elegant Pistache stems. Each rose embodies the vibrant hues of a sunset, with shades of orange, yellow, and red that evoke feelings of warmth and joy. The Pistache adds a touch of greenery, enhancing the bouquets natural charm and elegance. Stems: 15 Sunset Spray Roses, 4 Pistache Perfect for: Celebrations, gifts, home decor Delivery: Available across Dubai Freshness Guarantee: Handpicked and artistically arranged Embrace the radiant colors and natural beauty of our Sunset Glow Bouquet. Whether as a gift or to adorn your own space, this bouquet promises to bring warmth and happiness to any occasion. Order now and let the sunset-inspired blooms brighten your day!
Dieser Artikel ist vorübergehend nicht auf Lager
Sunset Glow Bouquet - 15
- 17 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
Pistachio - 4 Stk. sunset spray rose - 15 Stk. wrapping paper tissue - 5 Stk.
- Breite - 40 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
Bask in the warm, captivating beauty of our Sunset Glow Bouquet, featuring 15 stunning Sunset Spray Roses complemented by 4 elegant Pistache stems. Each rose embodies the vibrant hues of a sunset, with shades of orange, yellow, and red that evoke feelings of warmth and joy. The Pistache adds a touch of greenery, enhancing the bouquets natural charm and elegance. Stems: 15 Sunset Spray Roses, 4 Pistache Perfect for: Celebrations, gifts, home decor Delivery: Available across Dubai Freshness Guarantee: Handpicked and artistically arranged Embrace the radiant colors and natural beauty of our Sunset Glow Bouquet. Whether as a gift or to adorn your own space, this bouquet promises to bring warmth and happiness to any occasion. Order now and let the sunset-inspired blooms brighten your day!
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Nov. 2024
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