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Indulge in the lavish extravagance of our florist’s special bouquet featuring 50 stunning Red Roses, meticulously handpicked for their beauty. Wrapped in a refined selection of 4 unique pieces, this floral arrangement sparkles with heartwarming affection. It is presented with a beautifully crafted card to convey your heartfelt messages. An epitome of luxury and elegance, it promises to leave an enduring impression.
Lagerbestand bestätigt heute
Special 005
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 15 Boni
Wrapping - 4 Stk. card - 1 Stk. red roses - 50 Stk.
- Breite - 30 cm
- Höhe - 45 cm
Rich n royal flowers
Indulge in the lavish extravagance of our florist’s special bouquet featuring 50 stunning Red Roses, meticulously handpicked for their beauty. Wrapped in a refined selection of 4 unique pieces, this floral arrangement sparkles with heartwarming affection. It is presented with a beautifully crafted card to convey your heartfelt messages. An epitome of luxury and elegance, it promises to leave an enduring impression.
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