Celebrate the depth of your emotions with our Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet. This stunning arrangement combines the classic beauty of vibrant red roses with the timeless elegance of chrysanthemums. Each red rose symbolizes love and passion, while the chrysanthemums add a touch of grace and charm with their intricate blooms. Together, they create a bouquet that exudes warmth and affection, perfect for expressing your deepest sentiments to someone special.
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Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet
- 2 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
Red rose - 7 Stk. Ruscus - 3 Stk. packaging - 1 Stk. white bush chrysanthemum - 2 Stk.
- Breite - 35 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
Celebrate the depth of your emotions with our Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet. This stunning arrangement combines the classic beauty of vibrant red roses with the timeless elegance of chrysanthemums. Each red rose symbolizes love and passion, while the chrysanthemums add a touch of grace and charm with their intricate blooms. Together, they create a bouquet that exudes warmth and affection, perfect for expressing your deepest sentiments to someone special.
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