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Fresh and fragrant, this bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion. A stunning arrangement of roses, lilies, and daisies come together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of colors and textures that is sure to delight the senses. Each flower is carefully hand-selected and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that every bouquet is a work of art. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten someone's day, this exquisite bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 20 min. vor
Red Rose bouquet
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 4 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 5.4 Boni
Red rose - 7 Stk. Gypsophila - 4 Stk. massangeana - 4 Stk.
- Breite - 20 cm
- Höhe - 40 cm
Fresh and fragrant, this bouquet of flowers is the perfect gift for any occasion. A stunning arrangement of roses, lilies, and daisies come together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of colors and textures that is sure to delight the senses. Each flower is carefully hand-selected and arranged by our expert florists, ensuring that every bouquet is a work of art. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or just want to brighten someone's day, this exquisite bouquet is guaranteed to make a lasting impression.
149 Ratings • 133 Käufe
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Its so small for his price
Jan. 2025
Jan. 2025
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