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A mesmerizing bouquet composed of 15 enchanting purple spray roses, this arrangement emanates a sense of whimsical beauty and grace. Each delicate bloom showcases the rich hue of purple, symbolizing enchantment, admiration, and creativity. With their petite size and abundant clusters, the spray roses exude a charming allure, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Paired with lush greenery, they create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, evoking a sense of tranquility and sophistication. Whether given as a gesture of affection or as a token of appreciation, this bouquet delights the senses and inspires joy with its radiant presence.
Lagerbestand bestätigt heute
Purple Lov
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 3 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 6 Boni
- FlowerBouquets - Supershop. Supershops sind Shops mit hervorragenden Bewertungen, die ihr Bestes geben, um einen hochwertigen Kundenservice zu bieten.
purple spray rose - 15 Stk.
- Breite - 25 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
A mesmerizing bouquet composed of 15 enchanting purple spray roses, this arrangement emanates a sense of whimsical beauty and grace. Each delicate bloom showcases the rich hue of purple, symbolizing enchantment, admiration, and creativity. With their petite size and abundant clusters, the spray roses exude a charming allure, perfect for adding a touch of elegance to any occasion. Paired with lush greenery, they create a harmonious blend of colors and textures, evoking a sense of tranquility and sophistication. Whether given as a gesture of affection or as a token of appreciation, this bouquet delights the senses and inspires joy with its radiant presence.
266 Ratings • 176 Käufe
Ratings und bewertungen
Olesya Stepanova
Dez. 2024
Dez. 2024
Dez. 2024
The order was canceled 1 hour before delivery!! The order was ordered a day in advance
Nov. 2024
Спасибо большое! Все хорошо!
Oleksandr Melnychenko
Nov. 2024
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