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The Monica bouquet is a stunning mix of 9 Rosita Roses, 5 Peony Spray Roses, 3 Hydrangea Stems, 5 Matthiola Stems, and 5 Hypericum Stems, creating a beautiful blend of soft and vibrant blooms. This elegant arrangement is perfect for any special occasion, offering a unique balance of textures and colors that will leave a lasting impression.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 20 min. vor
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 34.9 Boni
Hydrangea - 3 Stk. matthiola - 5 Stk. peony spray roses - 5 Stk. rosita roses - 9 Stk. hypricom - 5 Stk.
- Breite - 40 cm
- Höhe - 55 cm
The Monica bouquet is a stunning mix of 9 Rosita Roses, 5 Peony Spray Roses, 3 Hydrangea Stems, 5 Matthiola Stems, and 5 Hypericum Stems, creating a beautiful blend of soft and vibrant blooms. This elegant arrangement is perfect for any special occasion, offering a unique balance of textures and colors that will leave a lasting impression.
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Anna Dmitrienkova
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