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A mixed roses bouquet typically features a delightful blend of different colored roses, creating a beautiful and vibrant arrangement. It may include roses of various hues such as red, pink, white, yellow, and orange, among others. This diverse combination adds depth and elegance to the bouquet, making it a perfect choice for expressing love, appreciation, or celebration on various occasions
Lagerbestand bestätigt 15 min. vor
Mix roses bouquet
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 7.5 Boni
Red rose - 5 Stk. Pink rose - 5 Stk. carnation - 10 Stk. purple rose - 5 Stk. gypsophila white - 10 Stk. baby rose - 5 Stk. green rose - 5 Stk.
- Breite - 15 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
A mixed roses bouquet typically features a delightful blend of different colored roses, creating a beautiful and vibrant arrangement. It may include roses of various hues such as red, pink, white, yellow, and orange, among others. This diverse combination adds depth and elegance to the bouquet, making it a perfect choice for expressing love, appreciation, or celebration on various occasions
132 Ratings • 110 Käufe
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Dez. 2024
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Okt. 2024
Okt. 2024
Juli 2024
Juni 2024
great flowers! Thank you very much, I am very pleased with the bouquet.
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