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This exquisite Mono Bouquet is a radiant sweep of vibrant color and delicate finesse. The warmth of 10 blooming Gerberas is perfectly balanced by an opulent crowd of 100 tender Baby Roses. Artfully arranged, this bouquet could be a heartwarming gift or a magnificent centerpiece, enhancing the beauty of every occasion. It is a classic reminder of lifes precious simplicity, while adding a touch of elegance and charm.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 50 min. vor
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- Sie erhalten 75 Boni
Gerbera - 10 Stk. babyrose - 100 Stk.
- Breite - 100 cm
- Höhe - 100 cm
This exquisite Mono Bouquet is a radiant sweep of vibrant color and delicate finesse. The warmth of 10 blooming Gerberas is perfectly balanced by an opulent crowd of 100 tender Baby Roses. Artfully arranged, this bouquet could be a heartwarming gift or a magnificent centerpiece, enhancing the beauty of every occasion. It is a classic reminder of lifes precious simplicity, while adding a touch of elegance and charm.
Ratings und bewertungen
Jan. 2025
Okt. 2023 • Google maps bewertung
Sep. 2023 • Google maps bewertung
Nov. 2023 • Google maps bewertung
Februar 2024 • Google maps bewertung
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