A bouquet that embodies romance and charm, the Lavender Kissed Roses arrangement features soft pink roses kissed with touches of lavender blooms. This graceful blend of blushing roses and delicate violet hydrangeas creates an enchanting display that’s perfect for expressing love, admiration, or heartfelt gratitude. Nestled in a sleek glass vase, the soothing lavender hues bring calmness, while the vibrant pink roses add a burst of romance. Gift this elegant bouquet to make any occasion feel extra special, whether its a birthday, anniversary, or just to say Im thinking of you. Gift Details: Roses Hydrangea Matthiola Ruscus Vase
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Lavender Kissed Roses Flower Arrangement
- 2 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
Ruscus - 5 Stk. Hydrangea - 1 Stk. Vase - 1 Stk. rose - 5 Stk. mathiola - 5 Stk.
- Breite - 30 cm
- Höhe - 50 cm
Gv flowers, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
A bouquet that embodies romance and charm, the Lavender Kissed Roses arrangement features soft pink roses kissed with touches of lavender blooms. This graceful blend of blushing roses and delicate violet hydrangeas creates an enchanting display that’s perfect for expressing love, admiration, or heartfelt gratitude. Nestled in a sleek glass vase, the soothing lavender hues bring calmness, while the vibrant pink roses add a burst of romance. Gift this elegant bouquet to make any occasion feel extra special, whether its a birthday, anniversary, or just to say Im thinking of you. Gift Details: Roses Hydrangea Matthiola Ruscus Vase
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Dez. 2024
Nov. 2024
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