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Our White and Red Roses Bouquet is a timeless expression of elegance and passion, perfect for conveying your deepest sentiments. This exquisite arrangement features pristine white roses symbolizing purity and new beginnings, beautifully contrasted with vibrant red roses that convey love and admiration. Hand-tied with precision, the bouquet is accented with lush green foliage, enhancing the natural beauty of each bloom. Ideal for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or special celebrations, the White and Red Roses Bouquet is a classic choice that speaks volumes about your feelings and leaves a lasting impression.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 3 h 30 min. vor
Hello Bloom Bouquet
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 1 Person hat den Artikel zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 13.5 Boni
red roses - 15 Stk. white roses - 15 Stk.
- Breite - 35 cm
- Höhe - 30 cm
Our White and Red Roses Bouquet is a timeless expression of elegance and passion, perfect for conveying your deepest sentiments. This exquisite arrangement features pristine white roses symbolizing purity and new beginnings, beautifully contrasted with vibrant red roses that convey love and admiration. Hand-tied with precision, the bouquet is accented with lush green foliage, enhancing the natural beauty of each bloom. Ideal for anniversaries, romantic gestures, or special celebrations, the White and Red Roses Bouquet is a classic choice that speaks volumes about your feelings and leaves a lasting impression.
Ratings und bewertungen
Dishonest and Unprofessional – Beware! I rarely leave negative reviews, but this experience was beyond unacceptable. I ordered a bouquet advertised as 60 fresh vibrant roses. When they sent me a picture, there were only 25. I immediately pointed this out, and they insisted it was always 25. When I provided a screenshot of the original listing showing 60, they stopped responding and quietly changed the description to say 25. This is outright dishonesty. Instead of admitting their mistake or offering a solution, they chose to deceive their customers. Avoid this place unless you enjoy being scammed.
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