Introducing the exquisite "Garden of Pink Roses" flower bouquet - a stunning arrangement that is sure to delight and captivate anyone who receives it. This bouquet features a variety of gorgeous pink roses, carefully arranged in a lush and bountiful garden-style display. Each rose is hand-selected for its vibrant color and velvety texture, and arranged with an expert eye for detail and balance.
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Garden of Pink Roses
- Flowers' Square - Supershop. Supershops sind Shops mit hervorragenden Bewertungen, die ihr Bestes geben, um einen hochwertigen Kundenservice zu bieten.
premium pink roses. - 70 Stk.
- Breite - 50 cm
- Höhe - 65 cm
Introducing the exquisite "Garden of Pink Roses" flower bouquet - a stunning arrangement that is sure to delight and captivate anyone who receives it. This bouquet features a variety of gorgeous pink roses, carefully arranged in a lush and bountiful garden-style display. Each rose is hand-selected for its vibrant color and velvety texture, and arranged with an expert eye for detail and balance.
178 Ratings • 135 Käufe
Ratings und bewertungen
In dieser Woche
Всё прошло отлично и быстро, спасибо большое, букет чудесный!
Denys Sukhariev
In dieser Woche
März 2025
März 2025
März 2025
Excellent flowers, thank you so much!
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