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This bouquet of white spray roses, French roses, and matthiola is a true floral masterpiece, blending classic elegance with sophistication. The white spray roses, with their delicate blooms, add a light, airy touch to the arrangement, symbolizing purity and innocence. French roses, with their large, lush blooms, serve as the bouquets focal point, embodying luxury and grace. The white roses enhance the bouquets noble and refined character. Matthiola flowers introduce a subtle romantic charm with their soft, fragrant blooms, adding texture and a unique allure. Together, these flowers create a bouquet that exudes elegance and harmony, perfect for weddings, special events, or romantic gifts. This arrangement will beautifully adorn any space with its exquisite fragrance and impeccable style.
Lagerbestand bestätigt 15 min. vor
Eternal Elegance
- und wir ermitteln die Lieferkosten
- 7 Personen Produkt zu ihren Kollektionen hinzugefügt
- Sie erhalten 16.9 Boni
Pistachio - 3 Stk. matthiola - 4 Stk. ecuador rose - 3 Stk. design packaging - 5 Stk. spray rose - - 4 Stk.
- Breite - 25 cm
- Höhe - 40 cm
This bouquet of white spray roses, French roses, and matthiola is a true floral masterpiece, blending classic elegance with sophistication. The white spray roses, with their delicate blooms, add a light, airy touch to the arrangement, symbolizing purity and innocence. French roses, with their large, lush blooms, serve as the bouquets focal point, embodying luxury and grace. The white roses enhance the bouquets noble and refined character. Matthiola flowers introduce a subtle romantic charm with their soft, fragrant blooms, adding texture and a unique allure. Together, these flowers create a bouquet that exudes elegance and harmony, perfect for weddings, special events, or romantic gifts. This arrangement will beautifully adorn any space with its exquisite fragrance and impeccable style.
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